environment equity

Why Environmental Equity Matters More Than Ever: The Surprising Impact on Our Health and Happiness

Why Environmental Equity Matters More Than Ever: The Surprising Impact on Our Health and Happiness

Although society has become more cognizant of the importance of environmental equity, its implications have yet to be fully realized. It is imperative that we strive towards a more sustainable future; however, this necessitates taking steps toward ensuring that everyone is equally benefitted by such efforts. Despite the undeniable need for action on climate change, we must not overlook another pressing issue - environmental inequality. By prioritizing climate remediation over combating other issues related to pollution, such as health inequity or food insecurity, we could potentially overlook other issues which are actually affecting our everyday lives today. As we all…
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The Urgent Need for Change: Why Environment Advocacy Is More Important Than Ever

The Urgent Need for Change: Why Environment Advocacy Is More Important Than Ever

The alarming reality is that the environment continues to be under siege. If we are to avert a future of ecological calamity, now is the time for action! In 2013, a Gallup poll revealed that only 15% of Americans actively identified themselves as environmentalists. However, this number climbed to 17% by 2016 - an indication of growing concern over the environment. With regard to political affiliations, it is clear that Republicans were more likely than Democrats (21%) or Independents (16%) in 2013 to self-identify as environmentalists. This trend has not changed much since then; however, the proportion of self-declared 'environmentalists'…
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Unleash Your Imagination with Stunning Environment Concept Art Which Can Feel You Calm!

Unleash Your Imagination with Stunning Environment Concept Art Which Can Feel You Calm!

As a designer, it is essential to comprehend the ambiance of your project. It must be captivating and inviting; one that inspires creativity and positivity for everyone in the workplace! With the help of concept art, you can evoke a sensory experience that matches what viewers anticipate when looking at your finished product - whether it be mobile app or video game. Environment concept art is an indispensable resource for designers, allowing them to visualize their end product from every angle. This invaluable asset will enable them to achieve their vision with ease while also providing a fitting setting for…
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The Race Against Climate Change: Can We Save Our Planet Before It’s Too Late? Experts Weigh In!

The Race Against Climate Change: Can We Save Our Planet Before It’s Too Late? Experts Weigh In!

It can be a daunting task to contemplate the magnitude of environmental change, especially when one considers the effects of climate change and its consequential impact on our planet. With an ever-increasing population of seven billion people, carbon emissions from energy production have risen dramatically as a result. This is not just an issue for the developed world; even developing regions like China are struggling with how best to manage their increased usage of natural resources without adversely impacting agriculture or industrial sectors. Furthermore, due to the parallels between global warming and air pollution issues plaguing many major metropolitan areas…
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Is Your Environment Safe and Healthy? The Top Dangers Lurking in Your Home and How to Protect Yourself

Is Your Environment Safe and Healthy? The Top Dangers Lurking in Your Home and How to Protect Yourself

Are you aware of the dangers lurking in your home? From ceiling fans to air conditioners, there are numerous potential hazards that could prove fatal if not kept within safe limits. Despite the fact that little attention is paid to this issue, ensuring the safety and wellness of your environment can be an important step towards safeguarding family health and wellbeing. Last but not least, we turn our attention to the perils lurking within our abodes. Living in a dilapidated home can be hazardous for you and your family. That's because it may contain mold; lead paint could be liberally…
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