things to do in paris

From Hidden Gems to Iconic Landmarks: 15 Things You Absolutely Cannot Miss When Visiting Paris!

When I ventured to Paris with my family, we had a grand time exploring the city and savoring its culinary delights. However, on one occasion when they were still young and without responsibilities – like yours truly today! – they still prioritized fun over anything else!

So what have you been missing out on? Here are just a few suggestions for your itinerary when in Paris!

If a trip to Paris entails nothing more than exploring its majestic architecture, you’re sure to be captivated by the city’s collection of world-class monuments.

Not one for conquering but rather for experiencing, Paris is home to some of the most revered cultural hubs in Europe. The Louvre is undoubtedly among the finest museums on planet Earth, housing over two million works of art spanning over five thousand years! If that isn’t enough, take a moment to consider that this colossal edifice could fit inside just one hall within the museum itself – amazing!

To call yourself a connoisseur of architecture in 2018 simply cannot overlook passing through Notre Dame; it truly defines Paris’ leading landmark! This breathtaking cathedral boasts breathtaking interiors, stained glass windows and ornate statuary amongst its many splendors.

1. The Eiffel Tower

Paris’ most recognized symbol, the Eiffel Tower has been a fixture in the city since 1889 and remains one of its most prominent landmarks. With an altitude of 324 meters (1,063 feet) and an eye-catching magnitude of 324m (1,063ft): this architectural marvel is without a shadow of doubt an iconic sight to behold!

Standing majestically over the city, this treasured monument is truly something to behold! Visitors can gaze upon its mesmerizing panoramic vistas while ascending towards it up an elevator – or take in its awe-inspiring silhouette from atop the tower’s vantage point. Additionally, there are several sundry points on both sides of the structure where visitors can find themselves amidst its illuminated glory for a mere euro; offering ample opportunities for striking photographs.

2. Notre Dame

What, you thought I was going to overlook the wondrous Notre Dame? Well…have no fear! It is one of my favorite places in all of Paris, and perhaps one of the most recognizable landmarks in all of France.

This Gothic masterpiece has stood proudly on this spot since 1163, a testament to its immense popularity that two World Wars were fought so that it would remain standing; yet still it remains! The exquisitely crafted façade is captivating and awe-inspiring, while the interior retains an air of solemnity befitting its unrivaled status as an architectural masterpiece. At nightfall, when the cathedral’s stained glass windows are illuminated under moonlight – it truly is a sight to behold!

I highly recommend booking your ticket online in advance, as tickets can sell out quickly during events like holidays or weekends.

3. The Louvre

The most breathtaking and renowned of Paris’ museums, the stupendous Louvre is undoubtedly an absolute must-see for any visitor. Spanning some 800,000 sq ft of floor space and housing more than 35,000 works of art from across time; it attracts over eight million visitors annually!

The colossal edifice houses masterpieces from antiquity to modern day; be captivated by breathtaking paintings such as Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’; see sculptures such as Rodin’s ‘The Kiss’; or marvel at Michelangelo’s David – alongside other works by Leonardo da Vinci and Cicero -all within a single location!

Despite its size, the Louvre boasts quite a manageable entry fee. Begin your day with a visit to the ground level then venture out into the mammoth museum space!

Author at MohitEcommerce
Priya is an experienced Content Writer with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of Finance, Project Management, Insurance, and Entertainment Content. She has a passion for creating engaging and informative content that is tailored to the needs of her clients. She has a keen eye for detail and a natural flair for story-telling, which helps her create content that is both interesting and informative. Priya is also well-versed in SEO techniques and has a strong understanding of how to use keywords to maximize visibility. Her ability to research and analyze topics thoroughly makes her an invaluable asset to any content team. Her dedication to her craft and her drive to deliver the best possible content make her an ideal candidate for any content-related role.
By Priya Shukla

Priya is an experienced Content Writer with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of Finance, Project Management, Insurance, and Entertainment Content. She has a passion for creating engaging and informative content that is tailored to the needs of her clients. She has a keen eye for detail and a natural flair for story-telling, which helps her create content that is both interesting and informative. Priya is also well-versed in SEO techniques and has a strong understanding of how to use keywords to maximize visibility. Her ability to research and analyze topics thoroughly makes her an invaluable asset to any content team. Her dedication to her craft and her drive to deliver the best possible content make her an ideal candidate for any content-related role.

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